February 12, 2018 VideoLAN launches VLC 3.0
VideoLAN, the group behind the world’s most popular media player, has launched version 3.0 of its VLC media player on all major desktop and mobile platforms. The update comes with a range of new features and more than 1,500 bug fixes.
Included in the update is efficient 4K and 8K decoding, 360-degree video and 3D audio, HDR, support for most prominent audio and video codecs, and largely improved battery life on iOS. 3.0 also boasts less CPU and GPU usage than Media Player Classic Home Cinema and Movies on Windows.
Don Likes VLC – One reason is that, even if you don’t use it, the Video Codecs included with it allow Windows 10 to play DVD Video. Those codecs are not included any more with Windows 10. A Second Reason is that VLC does not support showing you Adds, which at lease in Windows 10 Groove shows ads. The Videolan
philosophy is that apps such as Media Player should be open source – available and not commercial. You can give a donation if you wish to. A third reason is that this App is available for Windows from Windows XP through Windows 10, MacOS, iOS, Android, Linux. You can use it on any device.
VLC Features: VLC plays files, discs, webcams, devices and streams. Available for most devices. No spyware, no ads, no user tracking. VLC has hardware decoding on most platforms, includes 4k and 8k playback. VLC supports 360 video and 3D audio. It can stream to Chromecast devices, even in formats not supported natively. It plays all formats.
VLC 3.0 can be downloaded. Don also has it available, and can install it for you and teach you how to use it. Check with Don and find out if this Media Player is for you!